ANUJIN Erdenebayar: How She Got Into Morgan Stanley, and Got a Full Scholarship at NTU, Taiwan.
Interviewed and photographed by Batzul Gerelsaikhan
We are proud to introduce Mrs. Anujin Erdenebayar (Hobby: 1999-2005, Taiwan High School: 2005-2008, School #11: 2008-2009) who is fluent in Mandarin and English. She had a full scholarship at National Taiwan University (2010-2014); and later got selected from 300 students to work as an Analyst at Morgan Stanley. She is currently working at SB Consulting LLC as a Financial Analyst.
1. You came highly recommended by our two cofounders – Bulgan Enkhbat and Uyanga Enebish – who told me that you used to work at Morgan Stanley in Taiwan! That’s amazing, but can you tell me why Taiwan?
When I was 13 years old, my mother Batchimeg Migeddorj got relocated to work in Taiwan as the Representative from Mongolia to Taiwan. This is how my “Taiwan journey” started. I learnt Mandarin from scratch to a point where I could give my high school exams in Chinese alongside the local students. In Taiwan, through my school’s extracurricular clubs, such as dance club, I got to experience the real Taiwanese high school life by being part of the team who truly dedicated their heart and soul, which was very inspiring to see at such young age. It was hard to leave Taiwan. I cried my eyes out when heading back to Mongolia.
2. Which universities did you apply to and why did you pick National Taiwan University above all?
I only applied to National Taiwan University (“NTU”) for Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Finance, because I wanted to go back to Taiwan. Also, at Taiwan High School, I saw how hard students were studying to get into the NTU. It was their day and night dream. Only the top of the top students got accepted, so I imagined that the students at this university must be super smart! I wanted to study with them. I was so blessed to get accepted with a full scholarship.
3. What scholarship was this?
It was a Taiwan Scholarship 2009 from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan.
4. Before we cover your time at Morgan Stanley, let’s focus on you now. How do you spend your free time?
I barely have free time, because I have 2 kids – 2 and 6 year olds! However, I wake up at 6 am so that I have some quiet time to myself to do yoga and meditation. Yoga is a very powerful practice that connects mind body and soul with simple breaths, allowing the mind to wind down, let the soul fill the body and move in synchronization. In near future, I wish to become a yoga instructor! (giggles)
In general, I love spending time outdoors where I can be close to the nature. Whenever I am surrounded by nature there is this feeling and sense of awe, where you just feel the stillness inside without the urge of billions of thoughts.
5. Is there any message or advice you would like to give to your fellow Hobby Alumni readers?
Please, try to refrain from labeling and stereotyping, but try to explore everything by being present and have an intimate relationship with life itself. I do not wish people to perceive me through labels of where I worked, studied, or what I do now. If you scratch all of these labels, you will see that I am just a being - a mere presence. I may be labeled a mom, a wife, a daughter, a financial analyst, etc. It seems like those who are “awake” and conscious enough are willing to interact with me without all these “social filters”, and truly see the real me. Our generation is starved of real connections – soul recognition and soul connection.
6. What are the books that have greatly influenced your life?
“The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho and “A New Earth – Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose” by Eckhart Tolle came to my mind the fastest. I find myself coming back to these books over and over again. These books will teach you that you are not your mind and ego, but rather the background consciousness that is able to observe your thoughts and emotions. Once you quiet your busy mind, the consciousness can finally gain control and have a say in your life.
7. What advice impacted you the most? Who gave that advice also?
It was more of a comment my friend told me, which was: “Everything is within you.” Everyone has a soul. Your soul is always with you no matter what happens. Once you realize you are this soul, you will know that you are already whole, and nothing can make you less.
8. What kind of a student were you?
I studied at Hobby School from 1-6th grade. I was super shy and a straight-A student. Never interacted with other classes, just stayed within my class. I got along with my class boys more – playing PC (giggles).
9. Do you have any regrets or a failure you can share with us?
Focused too much on grades! I thought exams were so important that I read and memorized everything in the book without really understanding why it was taught in the first place. I was just left with great grades. This is another example of “labeling” that I am against – I focused too much on getting good grades.
10. What are your fondest memories at Hobby School?
When we were at the old building called “Zaluuchuudiin Soyoliin Tuv”, the 1st grade kids used to carry this bell around the corridor and that is how we knew the class was over. I always wondered whether it was rung on time or not.
11. Who was your favorite teacher?
Enkh-Otgon – our class teacher. Also Amarjargal, our math teacher. She always believed in me and told me that I can do it, so I became really good at math. I believe, because of her, I carried on learning math and it opened doors to financial sector.
12. Do you support Hobby Alumni establishment and will you come to the “Basketball for Alumni” event on November 11 at Hobby School?
I was so happy to hear Hobby Alumni was created. I lost touch with so many of my classmates and this is surely not just great for me, but for all former and current students. And I would love to come to the basketball event!
13. Why Hobby School?
When I was in kindergarten, it taught English. I also used to watch Cartoon Network a lot, so I told my parents that I want to go to a school with a great English program and Hobby School was the best one at that time.
“At the (Morgan Stanley) interviews, they asked “How do you feel about losing your scholarship if you get this internship?”. I told them that it doesn’t matter because it is almost a volunteering job with no pay, and they said “What are you talking about? We have the highest paid internship program in the world! You would get USD 6,000 per month!” and I was just shocked. ”
14. Now let’s get back to your career path. How did you get into Morgan Stanley?
It is a funny story. I became a mother at a young age, but was able to handle school at the same time since my husband and I studied together at NTU. Since investment banking jobs are renowned for its intensity and long working hours, I thought being a mother might come as a disadvantage. I actually got pregnant with my first baby at my second year in university and I did not hide this fact. At the interviews, they asked “How do you feel about losing your scholarship if you get this internship?”. I told them that it doesn’t matter because it is almost a volunteering job with no pay, and they said “What are you talking about? We have the highest paid internship program in the world! You would get USD 6,000 per month!” and I was just shocked. I came out of the interview thinking I was definitely cut, but after several more rounds of interviews, I got the job – they hire 1-2 students out of 300 applicants. I think being honest got me this job (giggles).
15. And they offered you a full-time position after that?
Yes, after 2 months of internship, I got a full time Financial Analyst position where I got to consult and work on various projects. I learnt how to do the documentations right and how to raise funds.
16. Why did you leave though?
I worked at Morgan Stanley from June 2014 until August 2015. I often worked till 4 am. I learnt so much, but I realized that I wanted more from life than career, so I moved back to Mongolia and wed my husband.
In Mongolia, I got a job offer from Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi (“ETT”) as the Senior Investment Officer and there, I worked for 1 year and met my mentor Lkhagvasuren Ochir who was the Director of Financing & Investment Department at ETT.
I got pregnant again with my second baby and Lkhagvasuren told me that she is co-founding a financial consulting company and she offered me a Financial Analyst position straight after my maternity leave, because we work together better and she said she believed in me. I said yes and I’ve been working at SB Consulting LLC since August 2018.
“I have learnt that we need to see beyond numbers and money, and see through its essence, the actual value it brings.”
17. How was it to work back in Mongolia?
Taiwan had many advantages like time management, opportunity to work on various projects, more exposure and more networking, but it had its cons, which was mainly the unhealthy working lifestyle.
Mongolia, on the other hand, has equally challenging projects and there are so many potential projects that can become big. This is where SB Consulting LLC comes in, because international consulting companies are too expensive for mid-sized projects and our team has experts in our field who understand our own market much better. To give an example, my mentor O. Lkhagvasuren worked at ADB, World Bank and Deloitte – has over 20 years of experience in finance and investment projects. Today, SB Consulting has 7 employees whom I am proud to call partners.
18. What do you like most about your work?
I like to interact with people. Why is this person doing this project? What’s the purpose? Of course, it is about money, but what’s the real purpose behind the project? I like asking and thinking about these questions. At SB Consulting, we also offer Project Finance Trainings to bankers and business owners. We teach both theoretical and practical trainings, including building financial models from scratch. I am always so pleasantly surprised by how eager people are to learn, and how much I enjoy teaching.
19. What’s the biggest mistake you have done in your career?
The fact that I focused too much on profit and numbers. I have learnt that we need to see beyond numbers and money, and see through its essence, the actual value it brings.
20. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I want to be in an environment where real connections happen and prosper. It doesn't matter what the job is from the physical aspect, it can be waitressing at a café or teaching yoga. As long as I have the freedom and ability to interact with people in a way I want, and be a positive effect, I’d be there. I am not sure. I might even become a yoga instructor, a coffee shop owner or still be a financial consultant. Or juggle all of them! I am just 26 years, so who knows?
21. Whom should Hobby Alumni get to know next?
I recommend Mendtuvshin Enkhtaivan from my class. He went to Peking University and Harvard Law School; and now works in Hong Kong as an Attorney at an international law firm. Mendtuvshin is such a bright mind, yet super humble – a hidden gem!
“I do not wish people to perceive me through labels of where I worked, studied, or what I do now. If you scratch all of these labels, you will see that I am just a being - a mere presence.”